Picture this…
It was an ordinary day.
I was sipping my [3rd cup of] coffee, casually scrolling through Pinterest, and I stumbled upon a graphic that stopped me in my tracks.
I loved it immediately — it had so many things I aspire for: slow mornings, healthy boundaries, time in nature, nourishing meals, journaling, prioritizing yourself, sleep, reading… yes, yes, yes. I WANT THAT.
My finger instinctively jumped to the “download” button so I could snag it and set it as my phone background for #inspo…
But then? Something clicked.
Actually, more like hit me over the head.
The fact that I was about to set this as my phone background for inspiration was almost laughable.
Because this^^?
This is simply not realistic for me in my current stage of life.
I mean, I have a two-year-old toddler and newborn twins. Slow mornings? Not even close. 🤣
In fact, mornings are hands down the single most hectic part of our day. It’s a full-on sprint the moment I open my eyes: pumping or breastfeeding two babies, getting a toddler dressed and out-the-door for school, letting the dog outside, making breakfast, and brewing coffee (okay, okay— it’s on auto-program BUT STILL). All of this while my husband is already at work for his 6AM shift? It’s… chaos. ✌️
And if I do happen to wake up before my kids, I’ll carve out maybe 10-15 minutes for meditation, journaling, or skincare—then it's straight to my laptop for some uninterrupted work time.
So prioritizing myself?
Uninterrupted sleep?
SLOW mornings?
While they’re not impossible, this is simply not the season of life for those things to thrive.
And I don’t meant to say this in a whiny, martyr way, but more in a dose-of-reality kind of way.
Because, right now, I am in the thick of motherhood.
And I’m surrendered to that.
It’s not that any of the things on that graphic are bad. In fact, they’re wonderful.
Two or three years ago, this image would have been absolutely perfect and deeply resonated with me— and who knows, it likely will again when my kids are older!
But right now— in this stage of parenting— setting that as my phone background would just set me up for disappointment.
Because, point blank, this is *not* the time of slow mornings.
This is *not* the season of life where I have an abundance of free time.
This is *not* the season where I can have my ideal self-care practices.
And that’s okay.
It doesn’t mean I have to throw in the towel entirely.
It just takes a mental shift.
So, instead of rigidly clinging to an ideal that doesn’t fit this stage of my life, I reframed. How could I take inspiration from those words without holding myself to an impossible standard? How could I incorporate small pieces of that ideal into my current reality?
While mornings will be inevitably hectic, is there a way to make them just a little more manageable? Nourishing meals? They may not be pinterest worthy, but I can make ‘em happen! Journaling every day like I used to? Unlikely—but I could carve out time once a week or so? As for reading, what if I used my Kindle instead of scrolling on my phone during breastfeeding sessions?
Do these things fit the perfectly aesthetic vision of “self-care”? No.
But, the important thing is that it feels doable.
Because at the end of the day, goals should meet you where you’re at.
They are about working towards your “someday” while simultaneously reflecting your “today”.
✅ A REMINDER: You need to find the balance between aspiration and reality:
If you’re in the thick of goal-setting—maybe inspired by the buzz of a new year—here’s my nudge for you. Pause for a moment.
Think about your current season of life. Are you in the middle of a busy work schedule? Are you in the midst of moving? Thick in a season of motherhood? Caring for an aging parent? Grad school? Career change?
If so, maybe lofty goals aren’t realistic right now.
And that’s okay.
That doesn’t mean you can’t make progress. 😉
Instead of putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, ask: what’s a pared-down version of my aspiration that I can realistically achieve?
Instead of committing to an hour-long morning routine, what if you started with just 5 minutes of meditation before getting out of bed?
Instead of striving for a full-blown, perfectly aesthetic meal prep, could you prepare a few simple crockpot meals on Sundays?
Instead of filling a journal page every day, what if you jotted down just one sentence of gratitude each night?
Instead of striving for daily trips to the gym, could you move for 30 minutes, 3-4 days a week?
And, please note, this isn’t about selling yourself short—
You’re allowed to want more for yourself.
You’re allowed to dream big.
But don’t forget to make your ambitions fit your day-to-day life.
Or else you could set yourself up for disappointment— not success.
So, my friend, let this bonus, impromptu email serve as a reminder that your goals should inspire you, not overwhelm you. ✌️
As you enter 2025 (omg), feel free to dream big and set ambitious goals, but just make sure they apply to this stage of life, k?
And, if you have a second— I’d love to hear what you are aiming for this year. Any particular habit you want to work on? Does it feel realistic for your current stage of life? Any goals you accomplished in 2024 that you are proud of? Drop a comment and write it down— a little accountability never hurt nobodaaaay. ;)
Loved your comment about being SURRENDERED to your season of motherhood. AMEN.
I was going through goal planning and found myself seeking unrealistic goals for this season. I had to ask myself “what is the *feeling* I’m trying to attain with this goal?” By identifying the feeling I was pursuing I was able to make different, attainable, smaller goals that put me one step closer to that feeling.
Ugh such a good reminder, Kate!! I am excited to dive into some goal setting and intentionality as the new year rolls in. I love your digital habit tracker and have been using it for a year now. I'm going to set aside a whole morning next weekend for me to do some goal setting and visioning for the year. Your video that you shared about will be how I start/prep for it!