Love this so much! I work a full time job with a commute up to an hour each way so I’m already awake at 5:30am just to do the bare minimum 😂 I like working out in the mornings, but this season just doesn’t have the space for it so I go to the gym after work a few times a week and depend on walking my dog the rest of the time to be ✨good enough✨.
Love this so much! I work a full time job with a commute up to an hour each way so I’m already awake at 5:30am just to do the bare minimum 😂 I like working out in the mornings, but this season just doesn’t have the space for it so I go to the gym after work a few times a week and depend on walking my dog the rest of the time to be ✨good enough✨.
Haha! I’m one of those 4amers!! I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It is sooo peaceful getting out before anyone else. Plus catching the sunrise is just 😘
I cannot ever get my friends to get up that early either. Well, 1 friend SOMETIMES, but not often.
It all started when I was in college and it was literally the only time I could find to get to the local gym! And it just stuck! It’s been like 20+ years! But I do go to bed super 8:30...😬
Love this so much! I work a full time job with a commute up to an hour each way so I’m already awake at 5:30am just to do the bare minimum 😂 I like working out in the mornings, but this season just doesn’t have the space for it so I go to the gym after work a few times a week and depend on walking my dog the rest of the time to be ✨good enough✨.
Omg, no-- i admire the early wake-up so much. Like, for real. I always love the days when I get a headstart.
(but, the people who wake up at FOUR am, however........ I am frightened. hahahah).
I also have really had to lean into the "good enough" mentality as a new mom balancing work! It's been a good lesson for me!
Haha! I’m one of those 4amers!! I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It is sooo peaceful getting out before anyone else. Plus catching the sunrise is just 😘
TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. have you always been this way???? (tbh, the quiet morning time sounds dreamy)
(but also. i am scared of you. kidding. kind of.)
I cannot ever get my friends to get up that early either. Well, 1 friend SOMETIMES, but not often.
It all started when I was in college and it was literally the only time I could find to get to the local gym! And it just stuck! It’s been like 20+ years! But I do go to bed super 8:30...😬