One of my little habits this year was to spend at least 10 mins outdoors everyday. And yes 10 mins because those brutally cold days were tough. I’m adventurous by nature but it has made me do so many new things lately! The latest is taking long bike rides with no intention of going to a certain place but just exploring around...it’s exhilarating!

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Nature makes me feel alive, grateful, and refreshed. Except for when it’s blackfly, tick, and mosquito season 😂 (aka now) then I’m just grumpy, annoyed, and desperate to get inside LOL

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Being in nature makes me feel refreshed, peaceful and in tune 🤗 the BEST type of medicine!

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Alive. Rooted. Connected.

And just want to say I’ve been LOVING being a subscriber! So much goodness and community♥

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I can have a stressful day and walking back into our woods literally takes the stress away. Although in this season I tend to get stressed more with all the mosquitoes. 🙄🤣

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My husband is in the military, so we move have moved around a lot. Whenever I am feeling a need to reconnect or lonely I go to the woods/forest/jungle, close my eyes and listen for the wind moving through the trees and rustling the leaves and feel at home. It’s like a song/spirit is whispering to me and wrapping me up. ✨🍃

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Oh my. That is SO lovely. I had a very similar moment with the breeze at an outdoor meditation the other day. the BEST.

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Nature makes me feel grounded, grateful and close to God. My husband did not understand why I would not purchase a home that wasn’t backing up to a woods, even forgoing other amenities for it that we had in other home options. The woods won ❤️

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Nature makes me feel calm, grateful & present

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Such a good reminder to prioritize getting outdoors every day!

Fresh air makes me feel refreshed awake and calm.

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Ooooh, YES. Refreshed is the perfect word!

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Nature makes me feel: energized, grounded, and clear!

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Nature makes me feel: renewed, grounded, and connected to God (sorry last one was more than 3 words) 🤣

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Please don't apologize because I feel the SAME WAY. Sometimes I feel God the MOST on a simple hike through the woods moreso than I would in a church!

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Nature makes me feel right at home ☀️

I just got back from a 12 day trip in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway and hands-down the best part of it was jumping into a freezing cold lake on a hot sunny day in northern Sweden with my best friends with no one around us. One of those days where you feel SO connected to the earth and the joy it provides. ❤️

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"right at home". mmmm, i LOVE THAT. your travels sound dreamy. welcome home!

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Hi! I live in a forest. Literally in a forest amongst the trees and wildlife. Our home is full of windows (37 to be exact) so we are living inside and outside all at once. It’s like living in a tree house in the spring/summer/fall and a snow globe in the winter. It’s so relaxing and therapeutic for the soul. We have a huge deck and a porch swing I enjoy much of the year and love to just sit and listen to the birds, bugs, frogs... they are so loud yet I find the sound of nature so peaceful. Our home is a true dream, and I find it so relaxing and calming. My job can be quite intense so I bought this home some years ago as a retreat from the world to heal, balance, and help support my health in nature.

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intentional, restorative, blissful :)

I'm on a 6 week road trip (yay for teacher summers) started in Pittsburgh, PA and currently in Colorado. Heading towards Oregon at the end of the week - the PNW is my favorite place and I'm feeling so renewed spending every day outside.

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Being in nature makes me feel oh so many emotions.... grounded, inspired & rejuvenated. It is such a lovely & easy therapy. The commitment is so small and the impact is SO large!! :)

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Nature makes me feel refreshed, calm, and rejuvenated. It takes away some of the outside noise and centers me.

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