The Master-List of EASY (and Filling!) Protein & Fiber-Rich Snacks
It's 2023, babe. The days of eating plain rice cakes as a "snack" (...annnd feeling hangry 30 minutes later) are OVER. These busy-girl-approved munchies will keep you full, satisfied, and nourished!
Here’s the honest truth—
For a lot of my life, I was the girl that solely ate “100-calorie” snack packs of processed “cookies”, ~healthy~ granola bars (6g of fiber! 7 grams of protein! fortified with XYZ!), key lime pie #nonfat yogurt that was filled with 83947398 chemicals (and, um, tasted like a$$ )
and basically consumed whateverrrrrrr the diet-culture of the moment told me was a “good snack”.
*le sigh*
I wish I could go back in time.
Because, if they were such “good” snacks…
building snacks that feel you FULL (and support your blood sugar)
Because, here’s a hard truth— having a plain ~rice cake~ (annnnd then feeling 0% satisfied *and* hangry 30 minutes later) is juuuuust not fun.
or delicious.
or filling in the slightest.
But, yet, so many of us who grew up in the 90’s and early 2000’s have been brain-washed to only measure our snacks by 100 calories packs! Low-fat! Diet friendly!
We were told that eating these bland, empty carbs were the “secret” to the ~dream~ body! (side note: It’s not a “dream” body if it’s a nightmare to maintain.)
However, were these “snacks” truly actually serving us? For me, I knew they weren’t.
I was constantly hungry. I dealt with brain fog. I felt HANGRY. I often felt like I needed a carb (or I would freak out.). I was ravenous. I dealt with energy slumps every day around 2PM.
But, once I threw out my “diet culture” mentality and instead started focusing on real food & nourishing myself— my whole experience with snacks (and food. and nourishment. and, um, MY LIFE) changed.
Instead of these empty (low fat! low calorie! hella processed!) calories, I learned to build a nourishing, all-natural snack that keeps you full of protein, fiber, and maybe even a healthy fat.
And below I am going to tell you the *exact* way I build my snacks (with 17 specific examples!)