Holistic Immune Support, $43 Sweaters, & My [Healthy] Hot Cocoa🎄
Your Holiday R.E.S.E.T.
Helloooo, my sweet friends!
I have to admit—Christmas completely snuck up on me this year. Maybe it’s because Thanksgiving landed so late, but I keep feeling like we should’ve had an extra week before the big day???
Regardless of my calendar preferences, it’s December 22nd as I write this. And full transparency— I haven’t wrapped a single gift yet. 😅
By all intents and purposes, I am wildly underprepared for this holiday.
But you know what? I’m genuinely okay with it.
And here’s why—
Because, this year, I’ve completely let go of the pressure to “do it all” this holiday season.
Maybe it’s because I’m freshly postpartum, maybe it’s because I have the [valid] excuse of newborn twins, orrrrrr maybe it’s because my prefrontal cortex is finally in full-form, but I just feel very clear on what *actually* brings me joy during the holidays—
and that is often doing LESS.
And I don’t mean this in a bah humbug kind of way way. I love the holidays!
But I intuitively knew my capacity was smaller this year, and I honored that.
Did I want to make gingerbread houses as a family? Yes.
But did we? No.
Would it have been cute to get holiday pajamas for my kids? Yes.
But did I? Noooope.
Did I do Elf on the Shelf or host a holiday brunch or attend a white elephant gift exchange? No, no, & no.
✨ But what I have done?
I have danced to holiday songs in the kitchen with my toddler. I’ve found the twins’ first stockings. I’ve read Miles his favorite Christmas book each night. I’ve had “date night in” with my husband while we watched Christmas movies. I’ve gone on snowy walks, lit candles for no reason, and cuddled my newborns by the Christmas tree.
And honestly? That. is. enough.
More than enough, actually.
✨ A reminder— you don’t need to do everything in order for your family to feel the magic of the season. ✨
In fact, I truly believe that doing what’s within your capacity— and approaching it with PRESENCE matters far more than rigidly checking every holiday box just for the sake of it.
Because, at the end of the day, I want my kids to remember me as calm, present, and JOYFUL on the holidays— not frazzled and frantic trying to make everything “perfect.”
So, as we close out the year, I encourage you to s i m p l i f y wherever you can.
Focus on the 3-5 priorities and traditions that matter most to you and YOUR family—maybe it’s watching Christmas movies, a day spent with extended family, driving to see lights, or sharing one special meal.
✨ But you have to let go of the endless “ands.”
You really don’t need the perfect decorations and gingerbread houses and homemade ham dinners and beautifully wrapped gifts and holiday partys to make it feel magical.
Because, as we know, the simple moments are the ones that matter the most.
Annoyingly cheesy…
but true.
So, wherever you are in this moment— Take a breath. Relax your shoulders. Think of 3 things you’re grateful for. And do your best to enjoy today.
Because all those little details you’re stressing about?
They really are just details 😉 Don’t forget the big picture.
Merry Christmas!
Annnnnnd…. to help you savor this season, I’ve put together a little holiday-themed R.E.S.E.T. for you ⬇️
🫁 Recommending: Is everyone around you sick? Here are 4 holistic immune boosters to keep you well this holiday season.
🔮 Envisioning: The exact steps I’m taking to get ready for 2025…
✨Sweaters: A little moodboard & links to 10 different gorgeous sweaters (at a variety of price points!)
☕️ Eating: My cozy—and healthy— holiday hot cocoa recipe. Mmmm.
💬 Talking about: Speaking of simplifying, I am sharing my list of the few-but-impactful Christmas traditions that made the cut this year.
Let’s take a deep breath and embrace a simpler, more joyful holiday season together. ⬇️
When I say it seems like everyone is I know is getting sick, I mean it feels like EVERYONE I know is getting sick.
Luckily, I’ve held quite strong???? (Despite having a germy, snot-nosed toddler asking for 4038092 kisses per day 🤪)
While the ideas below aren’t magical cure-alls, they’re some of my fav holistic immune boosters that I weave into daily life to keep my baseline strong—
Garlic: Aside from being delicious, garlic has been used for centuries to support the immune system with its antioxidant properties. In fact, a 12-week study found that garlic supplementation reduced the incidence of the common cold by 30% (!). I try to add it to pretty much every dinner this time of year! Delicious and effective? Bon appetit!
Bee Propolis: Suchhh an easy hack. Just a few sprays are so helpful as bee propolis is natural immune modulator that has been shown to enhance macrophage activity (a crucial part of your body’s immune system) while calming inflammation— such a simple way to support immunity naturally!
All-Natural Hand Sanitizer: While soap and water is ALWAYS best, I’m often on the go, so I keep this all-natural hand sanitizer in my car and purse. It naturally protects against germs and supports immune health—without the harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances found in most sanitizers. Heads up: the scent is strong, but I think it’s worth it! (Not sponsored, but my affiliate code KATE10 can save a little money ◡̈)
Vitamin D3: While vitamin C often steals the spotlight, did you know vitamin D can be just as essential for immune function? Those with sufficient vitamin D levels (38 or higher) resulted in a two-fold reduction in developing acute respiratory tract infections and a significant reduction in days ill. I personally use this for me, this for my toddler (such clean ingredients!), and this for my babies— but as always, check with your doc first!
(Psssst: When brainstorming this list, I actually wrote down *sixteen* different science-backed ways to support your immune system. This was just the tip of the iceberg! Let me know if you want a FULL post with all of them in one spot.)
… 2025!
I love a new year. A fresh start. A blank slate. Ahhhhh.
And while we’re not fully in goal-setting szn yet, I’ve started taking small steps to get myself ready for the new year.
📝 Picked out THEE planner: Paid subscribers already know about my planner #journey, but I finally selected my 2025 planner. It arrived in the mail, and I am… obsessed. It’s has weekly and monthly overviews visible at once, tons of open note space, and a unique layout that just works for my brain. It has everything you need and nothing you don’t. I’m giddy!
📸 Create a Vision Board as My Phone Background: I love keeping a secret Pinterest board to inspire me year-round, but at the start of each year, I get extra intentional. I comb through my "big" board and pick a handful of very specific images that resonate with my particular goals and dreams for the year ahead and then use the ‘collage’ feature to make a cohesive picture. Once I’ve created my mini vision board, I download it and set it as my phone background for a daily dose of motivation and alignment.
👊🏼 My annual goal setting ritual: Ahhhh, if you know you know. This is one of my FAVORITE parts of each year. I’m starting to get my goal-setting guide and habit trackers organized so I can start brainstorming what I’d like to focus on in the year ahead, and set actionable goals. (If you’re looking for tools to help you with this, take 25% off my goal-setting bundle with the code “THERESET” !)
🧽 Clean my office: I truly believe that our physical spaces hold so much energy, and my office was (um, is…) a bit chaotic. Before the new year, I want to set aside an hour or two to purge, organize, and refresh the space in a way that inspires me!
Honestly, 2024 was SO consumed with all things motherhood: a very difficult pregnancy, having twins, being freshly postpartum, raising a toddler, etc. I am excited to enter 2025 with some clear energy and space for me. I have a good feeling about this year, I really do!
It’s cozy season, team!!!! 🫡
As a lifelong Minnesotan, I’d like to think I’ve earned my stripes as a sweater expert—it’s practically woven into my Northern DNA.
Below is a curated list of sweaters I’ve stumbled across recently. Some are one-of-a-kind secondhand, some are investment-worthy, and many are crafted from beautiful, quality fabrics. But one thing they all have in common? They’re very cute. (And start at just $43!)