Hello, my friend!
Today we are diving into a realm where health meets efficiency— and if those two words being in the same sentence piqued your interest, I have a feeling this is the post for you. (Yes, you…)
Let’s face it— life is BUSY.
Juggling responsibilities, managing our careers, caring for ourselves (and our kids, our pets, our parents…), upkeeping our homes, planning for that next get together or trying to make time to call that friend who lives out of state — it can all take up so much time, and fitting health practices into that can really feel SO overwhelming.
So today I want to speak to that overwhelm a bit and gently remind you that there are a lot of things you can fit into just two minute chunks that can hugely improve your health.
We all know we need to sleep well, eat nutritious food, etc., but this roundup is a little bit *different*…
As you may know, I have my doctoral degree specialized in integrative health, and today I am sharing a list of some, um, more unconventional health game-changers that you can seamlessly incorporate into your day to fuel your body, mind, and soul— in 2 minutes or less.
Okay, I said this was all about efficiency, so let’s dive in shall we?