7 different types of magnesium ✨ (...which one is best for YOU?)
a no-fluff guide
In the wellness world, there's always a trendy supplement or vitamin we're "supposed" to be taking.
And one you may have heard a lot about lately is magnesium.
This mighty mineral has been having a bit of a wellness ~MoMent~ with benefits being touted as improved sleep, better digestion, clearer cognition…
And you may be wondering is it over-hyped? Under-hyped? Appropriately hyped? 🤣 Here are my thoughts:
First, I do agree that magnesium is important and can result in many health improvements for many people (source), I also believe there will never be a one-size-fits-all supplement that's good for EVERYONE. Magnesium included. As a registered nurse with a doctorate in integrative medicine, I prefer a a highly individualized approach to vitamins. Everybody is different.
That said, while no supplement is universally beneficial, I do believe magnesium supplementation is a generally advantageous for *most* people… WHEN taken responsibly, correctly, and in the right form.
😬 And this is where social media and the wellness world often get it wrong:
People talk about the benefits of magnesium so broadly, but many don't realize is that there are countless different forms of magnesium: citrate, glycinate, l-threonate, and more….
And each of them work differently in the body 👀
So, if you've tried magnesium in the past without the desired results, it may be worth considering whether you were taking the correct form for you.
Today, I’m going to be breaking down 7 common forms of magnesium and discussing which is best for particular health issues… from digestion to sleep, all the way to heart health and muscle soreness, here’s how to find the specific magnesium for YOU ⬇️